Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Wednesdays are long days for me. After work, I go to class. The only time I get with my Molly on Wednesdays is in the mornings before she goes to school. There is really no greater feeling than walking into her room in the morning to get her up and seeing her face light up when she sees me. Motherhood really is an ego booster, simply walking into her room can make her instantly happy, and that feeling of love is irreplacable.

She has taken on a new habit lately where she likes to have a vast collection of stuffed animals in bed with her. I laughed this morning when I noticed two things about her bed. One, her pillow was on the opposite end from where it was when I had laid her down the night before. And two, she had a frog, a mouse, a pig, and a baby respectively keeping her company in each of the four corners of her bed.

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I adore everything about Molly's room. One of the things I am most fortunate for is having a talented friend, Amie, who painted her wall letters and individual canvas pictures of the animals that are in her bedding. I know Molly will come to appreciate the love that went into those works of art as she gets older. I know I already do. Amie, thanks.

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