Monday, January 11, 2010


Today the weather was a little warmer than it had been, so I picked Molly up from daycare and we headed out for an afternoon walk in the neighborhood. I brought the camera along and we happened across a lot of dead plants, frozen from the cold weather we have experienced of late.

Then we happened upon a plant that looked healthy and vibrant with these pretty red flowers still in bloom. I have always loved photos of flowers, so I played around with my focus points and was able to get a shot that I really liked. Here it is.

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As we continued, we made an obligatory stop at the playground. I have often said she is a fearless child. She climbed all the way to the top of the structure on her own. I had to catch my breath for a minute and ask myself how she got to be so brave. I just hope that bravery serves her well in the future and she always has the courage to climb to new heights independently. I am pretty sure she will.

Oh, and talk about powerful sun...I just love the way the flare came out in this picture.

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  1. I am annoyed at how small that first one is, but when I tried to upload it larger, it cut half of the picture off. Hmmm...

  2. Coming along Nicely Alison. You have a good eye and you are starting to inspire me to do a project 365. However I will probably wait until it warms up to start. What camera are you using?

  3. Thanks Eric! I have a Canon Rebel XSI and the kit lens. Would love to get the 50mm 1.8...maybe for my birthday :)
