Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Why hello there...if you're still there! Yes, I know that the way this works is supposed to be 1 picture EVERY day for 365 days. My bad. I was going to try and go back and catch up, but since I am now 2 full weeks behind, I will just start again today. Better than giving up completely, right?

I love girly toys. I guess because I have a girl, the hues of pink appeal to me. As I sat at a playdate today, this toy caught my eye and I snapped a quick picture of it. So simply girly, I loved it!


And, since I am trying to redeem myself, how about a 2 for 1? This boy is just the sweetest. My friend Kristie is going to have her hands full when he gets older, because the girls are going to fall hard for those gorgeous blue eyes and killer eyelashes.


1 comment:

  1. Those girls won't know who they're messing with! I love that Connor made your blog! :) It's a great picture!
